Dutch Babies
Serves: 6
Preparation Time: 35 minutes
Equipment: 13-inch Chef Pan
- 1/3 cup unsalted butter
- 4 whole eggs
- 1 cup (240 ml) skim milk
- 1 cup flour
- Ground nutmeg
Place butter in 13-inch Chef Pan and place in preheated 400°F (210°C) oven. While butter melts, mix batter.
In the large mixing bowl, whisk eggs until blended and foamy, blend in milk and flour. Remove pan from oven and pour in batter. Return pan to oven and bake until puffy and well browned (20-25 minutes).
Dust pancake with ground nutmeg and serve at ounce with toppings listed below.
Have a shaker or bowl of powdered sugar and thick wedges of lemon ready. Sprinkle powdered sugar on hot pancake, squeeze on fresh lemon juice and serve.
Sliced strawberries and peaches sweetened to taste or any fruit in season, cut and sweetened.
Pass warm honey, maple syrup, or any favorite fruit syrup or sauce.
NUTRITIONAL BREAKDOWN PER SERVING: Calories 192; Fat Grams 10; Carbohydrate Grams 18; Protein Grams 6; Cholesterol mg 28; Sodium mg 62.
THE POINT SYSTEM: Calorie Points 2 ½; Protein Points 1; Fat Grams 10; Sodium Points 7; Fiber Points 0; Carbohydrate Points 1; Cholesterol Points 3.