Corn on the cob is a summertime staple, and New Jersey is known for producing some of the best corn in the country. There are several reasons why fresh Jersey corn on the cob is the best. The state's fertile soil, ideal climate, and skilled farmers come together to produce corn that is sweet, tender, and bursting with flavor.
But what makes New Jersey's corn on the cob so special? For starters, the state's farmers have been perfecting their corn-growing techniques for generations, ensuring that each ear of corn is grown to perfection. Additionally, the state's proximity to major metropolitan areas means that the corn can be harvested at the peak of freshness and rushed to market, ensuring that customers get the freshest, most flavorful corn possible.
Another benefit of New Jersey's corn on the cob is its versatility. Whether you like your corn boiled, grilled, roasted, or steamed, you will find that New Jersey's corn is up to the task. However, the best way to prepare Jersey Sweet Corn on the Cob is to cook it the waterless way. And when you do it is so flavorful on its own, you do not need to add a lot of seasoning or butter to enjoy it.
So, if you are looking for a delicious and nutritious addition to your summer meals, be sure to give New Jersey's Sweet Corn on the Cob a try. Cook it the Waterless Way and you will not be disappointed!
PREPARATION: 25 minutes – makes 4 servings
EQUIPMENT: chef knife, 5-quart stockpot with Ultra-Temp Lid
4 ears of corn in the husk
To prepare the corn, remove the husks and silks. Place 6 or 8 clean husks in the bottom of the pan. This will prevent the natural sugars and starch of the corn from scorching on the cooking surface of the pan.
Note: you may want to cut the ears of corn in half or in 1-inch wheels so you can nearly fill the pan.
Place the corn on the husks in the pan. Rinse well with filtered water and pour most of the water off. The water that clings to the corn and husks is sufficient to cook the waterless way. Cover the pan and open the Ultra-Temp control and whistle valve and place over medium heat 240 to 270°F (116 to 132°C). When the whistle sounds close the Ultra-Temp control and whistle valve, when the Ultra-Seal forms reduce the heat to low 150 to 174°F (66 to 79°C) and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not peek. Removing the cover will destroy the Ultra-Seal and lengthen the cooking time.
Test the corn-on-the-cob for doneness. If not done, cover the pan, close the Ultra-Temp control, and whistle valve, and add 2 tablespoons water to the rim to reestablish the Ultra-Seal. Cook over low heat 150 to 174°F (66 to 79°C) for 5 to 10 minutes.
To serve, garnish with or without unsalted butter and lightly sprinkle with kosher salt.
NUTRITIONAL BREAKDOWN PER SERVING: Calories 120; Fat Grams 1.6 (without butter); Carbohydrate Grams 27; Protein Grams 4.5; Cholesterol mg 0; Sodium mg 21.